Canados Games Policy

Last Updated: August 20, 2021

Canados Games (below referred to as "CG") - is a small game studio located in Toronto, Canada ON.
We very much love the process of developing and creating games targeted at mobile devices such as Android and iOS.

1. Collection of Information:
"CG" does not collect or share any personal data of personal user information or data.

2. Use of Information:
"CG" does not use any personal data or personal user information.

3. Protection of Information:
All information related to ONLY game progress, saved and encrypted in the binary files on the user's personal device.

4. Disclose to Third Parties:
CG does not sell or trade your personal information to third parties.

5. Access and Control of Personal Data:
Our applications do not provide users with any access to or control over personal personal data.

6. Third Party Links:
Our apps contain advertisements. If you access other websites using the links provided, the operators of these websites may collect information from you that will be used by them in accordance with their privacy policies. These third-party sites have separate and independent privacy policies. We, therefore, have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites. Nonetheless, we seek to protect the integrity of our site and welcome any feedback about these sites.

7. Data storage and Processing:
"CG" does not storing any personal data.

8. Data Retention:
All data related to user progress in the application ONLY stay on the user's personal device as long as the user uses this app.

9. Changes to Privacy Policy:
"CG" will update this privacy statement when necessary to reflect customer feedback and changes to our studio. Each new change to this statement will be reflected on the "last updated" date at the top of the statement. We encourage you to periodically review this privacy statement to learn new policy information.